Thinking about buying an air fryer & not sure which one to purchase? Here are the top 6 reasons why the Go Wise Air Fryer is hands down the best one on the market to add to your kitchen must-have gadgets! You’ll learn all the benefits & reasons why it will be your favorite kitchen appliance for cooking & meal prep.

It’s no secret that I’m in the midst of a torrid love affair…
with an air fryer…
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I literally love it SO.FRIGGIN.MUCH that I even made my first YouTube video to profess my undying love and admiration – you can watch it here
I mean, that’s “REAL” commitment, don’t cha’ think?
All kidding aside, I really do believe that the air fryer is seriously the BEST THING since sliced bread…(and listen, I’m a MEGA fan of sliced bread!).
If you are still on the fence about whether an air fryer is for you, check out my Blog Post “A Totally Honest Review of the Air Fryer from a Real Mom – Top 8 Reasons Why You’ll Fall in Love” or if you are too tired to read, you can watch my 4 min Youtube video linked above!
Before I committed to this new long-term relationship ( I ain’t no “one night stand” kinda’ girl), I did a MASSIVE amount of research…
I got input from…
– Amazon Reviews
– YouTube Videos
– Pinterest & Blog Articles
– My Inner Circle of Most Trusted Friends
– An Old Magic 8 Ball (which simply said “Reply hazy try again” which was seriously no help at all)
When I finally selected which air fryer to purchase, I knew I had done my due diligence, and I truly feel like I made the perfect match (with no assistance needed from eHarmony or Tinder)…
So I bet you are wondering which one I bought…
The final rose goes to…
The Go Wise USA 7 Quart Air Fryer
I am completely smitten with my air fryer, and not only do I use it every day…”she” now has a nickname…”Annie”…(oh, and “its” now a “she”, so you know this is a whole other level of commitment).
Wondering what separates “Annie” from the other air fryers on the market?
Well, let me break it down for you what makes Annie “the one” for me!
1. Feed an Army
With a family of 5 (three of which being growing teenagers who eat like gladiators), I knew I needed a larger capacity basket to cook bigger quantities of food. With its 7 qt size, the Go Wise Air Fryer is one of the larger sizes available.
I guess what they say is true “size does matter” (Sorry, couldn’t resist…reminder: I live with teenagers & it influences me to resort to adolescent humor!)
2. E-Z
For my entire life, I have struggled with low self-esteem in the food prep department.
I never have felt very comfortable in the kitchen, and my family can attest to the fact that before every new meal I give a disclaimer that it might not be edible.
Most of the time, I feel deficient at cooking, but honestly, the air fryer has made me feel so much more confident because it makes meal time so easy!
A majority of the air fryer recipes I use, I find online or on Pinterest, and once you put it in the appliance, you literally hit a button and you are off and running!
You truly cannot mess it up!! #easypeasylemonsqueezy
3. Conjunction, Conjunction, What’s Your Function?
One feature that I knew was a “must-have” for the air fryer I purchased was the dehydrate feature. Most air fryers on the market do not have that function so that quickly narrowed down the search for me.
I mean, what good is an air fryer if you can’t make dehydrated apple chips in it?
4. The Right Style
From the plethora of review videos I watched, I quickly realized there were two main styles of air fryers…the basket drawer kind and the flip lid style.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the basket drawer one is so much easier to use and clean.
The flip lid looked awkward to access the food, difficult to clean, and you can’t really use it on your counter with cupboards because when opening the lid, there’s just not have enough room!

So, I am Team Basket Drawer ALL.THE.WAY, and that’s exactly what you’ll get with the Go Wise air fryer!
5. So Fresh & So Clean
The 5th reason I chose the Go Wise USA air fryer is that it really could not be easier to clean…
well, unless it was self-cleaning of course!
It truly takes 1 minute to wash off the tray and basket, and then the clean-up is done!
I’ve even cooked stickier entrees like teriyaki salmon (photo below), and because of the non-stick coating, it washes right off in a flash!
Check out the photo of the mess that was made!
6. The Price Is Right
The final reason I think the Go Wise air fryer is the best one on the market is that, as far as the overall quality for the price, it just can’t be beaten.
There are definitely air fryers that are cheaper, but the reviews are pretty bad…they smell like burnt plastic, they break easily, or they are too small to actually prepare much food.
And there are certainly ones that are WAY more expensive…but you seem to be paying extra for name recognition.
I don’t know about you, but I could care less to have a “designer” air fryer…as long as it works well and is easy and convenient to use, it’s a winner in my book!
Added bonus: there is a one-year warranty, and the Go Wise air fryer I bought came with 3 dehydrating trays and a recipe book, so there’s no need to invest any more moolah into additional accessories.

You get everything you need in the original package!
So there you have it, folks! My top 6 reasons why the Go Wise Air Fryer is the best one to buy!
What do you think?
Do you have an air fryer that you would recommend instead?
Did I miss any must-have features?
Until next time, cheers to air frying your little heart out, and cheers to you!
(oh, and cheers to “Annie” for making my life so much easier!)