The Ultimate Game Day Mom’s Sports Bag – 15 things every sports mom must have on the sidelines. Whether it’s tennis, soccer, football, or any other kid’s athletics, you’ll be glad you packed these essentials!

It’s Back to School time, and you know what that means!!
Morning Mimosas with my friends…well, yes of course, but that is not what this blog post is about!

(Don’t we look so sad for school to start again??)
But, what I’m talking about is FALL SPORTS INSANITY!!!
All three of my kids play Fall Sports (Tennis, Field Hockey, Flag Football, and Competitive Basketball) which equals one crazy schedule!!
And the best way to combat mom-sanity, is to get your sh*t together, girl!!
I mean that! As soon as those schedules come out, plot those dates and times in your calendar (I use my phone’s Google calendar which puts it on all my devices), and get your carpools planned!
As the old adage goes, “it takes a village to drive all these kids around to sporting events,” or something like that!
Once you get your color-coded calendar and carpools set, be sure you’ve got everything you need when you show up to that field/court to cheer on your kiddo!
Not sure what exactly you need?
Then let me run down some of the basics of my “sports mama must have’s!”
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1. Facial Tissues
Up first on the list…Kleenex Tissues!!
This might seem like a ridiculous thing to put on my must-have list, but trust me, once you’ve had a kid with a gigantic sneeze and no tissue like I have, you’ll never leave home without them!
These little guys take up hardly any space, and just might be a saver for you or a teammate! Trust me on this one…throw some in your mama bag!
2. Reusable Water Bottle
Be sure to stay hydrated by bringing your own reusable water bottle!
And if it’s an ultra-trendy “Hydroflask”, you might just get yourself at the top of the “Cool Mom” List!
(Transparency Disclaimer: I don’t have a Hydroflask, but my kids do and swear it’s the best thing ever …guess that explains me not being a “cool mom”, honestly I gave up on the distinction a LONG time ago!)
3. Hair Ties

You’d be surprised how many times having extra hair ties has saved the day…sometimes they are for me when I get a little rabid and fired up about the game, and other times, my girls or one of their teammates forgot theirs!
You definitely need to have a spare set with you when you are heading to a kid’s sporting event.
4. Sports Bag

If you are wanting to look like a serious BADASS, Sports Mom (which we all know you are!), then I highly recommend having a bag that’s designated just for sports.
It’s super convenient to have a tote that’s already loaded with the essentials so you can just grab it and go when it’s time for a game!
A backpack style is super functional because it’s durable for those dirty field sports, and it frees your hands to carry other essentials like your chair, umbrella, and a coffee mug of wine (oops, I mean cup of joe)
5. Extra Sweatshirt/Jacket
Whether you live in Montana or SoCal like I do, when the temperature dips (below 68 is technically “chilly” here), you’ll be glad you had an extra sweatshirt with you!
Bonus points for having one that matches your kiddo’s team colors!
6. Folding Chair/Stadium Seat

Every sports enthusiast knows you’ve got to have a place to ‘pop a squat’ when watching your favorite athletics.
Luckily some sports have built-in stadiums or bleachers, but for others, you’ve got to bring your
My go-to fave is this quad folding type, and I especially love this one because it has extra storage for all your mama spectator needs…a place for your phone, sunglasses, water bottle…aw, the possibilities are endless!
If you’ve got a kid who plays in a gymnasium or a stadium, you might want to think about investing in a grandstand padded chair. We haven’t taken the plunge to buy these yet but this style has great reviews, and looks like it would make those long days/nights sitting in the bleachers so much comfier!
7. Sunglasses

Whether you are a movie star, or just want to look like one, you’ll need a pair of shades for any of those outdoor athletics (Heck you could wear them indoors and look like a total diva).
I actually have this exact pair from Amazon and love them because they give lots of eye coverage, they look stylish, and the best part is that they are less than $10!
Can I get “whoot whoot” for bargain buys?
8. Cell Phone
Your cell phone…don’t leave home without it!! Need I say more? Really? Does anyone forget their phone anymore?
Seriously, I don’t think I could even get to the location of the sporting event without it! Thanks, Google Maps!!
9. Sunscreen Lip Balm
Don’t forget to keep a sunscreen lip balm in your sports bag! It’s a Mama necessity whether it’s blazing hot or freezin’ cold!
10. Portable Cell Phone Charger
You will seriously find this Anker portable cell phone charger on about every must-have list I ever make!!
We have this exact one and take it just about everywhere we go. It’s super compact but packs a big punch! It has saved our phone batteries dozens of times.
Nothing says “bad mom” like missing the photo of your son scoring a touchdown because your phone was dead!
Take my advice…choose to be a “bad mom” for other reasons!
11. Sports Umbrella
Sports umbrellas are definitely a “must-have” if your kids play any outdoor sports (or if you live near a beach like I do!)
There are so many variations to choose from, and if you have little kids that you have to tote along with you, they even have ones that are more like little tents to keep them contained and fully protected rain or shine!
12. Sunscreen
Do you know how many times my kids have arrived at their game/match without putting on sunscreen?
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Super Mom (with sunscreen) to the rescue!
Play it safe and have an extra can of sunscreen already in your bag, so you won’t worry a bit about those sweet cheeks getting sunburned!
13. Snacks
Nobody wants to have a grumbling tummy that’s louder than your cheering, or possibly even worse… a “hangry” kid playing sports, so be sure to throw in a few shelf-stable snacks.
Some of my favorites are granola bars, nuts, seeds, trail mix, fruit leather, protein bars, and dried fruit.
14. Bug Spray
Here in San Diego, we are lucky and don’t really have many bugs, but if you live about anywhere else, you will need to be vigilant about fighting those little boogers! (especially if you are a mosquito magnet like me), so keep a bottle of bug spray in your bag!
Being an “organic mom”, I always try to use non-toxic, organic ones like these bug sprays.
15. First Aid Kit
Last but not least, the one thing you need to have, but I pray that you don’t need to use is a travel first aid kit.
This little kit has about everything you may need for minor scrapes, bumps, and bruises….plus it’s super cute, right??
Just like the umbrella superstition, if you bring it, you won’t need it…let’s bank on that being true with a first aid kit too!
So there you have it, friends, my list of Mom’s Sports Bag must-haves!
What did I forget?
Anything that you swear by that you can share with us?
Let us know in the comments!
Until next time, cheers to good sportsmanship and cheers to you!