Are you struggling to stay optimistic & hopeful during the Corona Virus pandemic? Here is a family-friendly activity for all ages that will help you create a fun bucket list. Be ready to make happy memories again!

It’s day #45 of the Covid-19 sheltering in place here in California (not that I’m counting or anything!).
And, if you are anything like me, then daily you are on the verge of losing your mind during this CRAY CRAY time.
Honestly, one minute I’m good and feel hopeful and optimistic focusing on the “silver linings”, and another moment I’m crying and wondering if I’ll ever get to hug my friends again or go out on a date with my honey without worries!
I know we are all just trying to make it through the TOTAL insanity of these last few weeks, and I’ve been trying to brainstorm some things to make my family and me feel more upbeat, and I’ve decided that focusing on future fun is just want this Fam Bam might need!
So what’s the solution??
…create a Post-Covid Family Bucket List!!
Oh lordy, yes…doesn’t that sound amazing and inspiring and cheerful and heavenly??
There is going to be a LIFE. POST. QUARANTINE.
So let’s get into it…just how do you do that?
Spend a little time as a family to have a session of verbally brainstorming all of the exciting things your kids would like to “safely” do once we start to get a few more of our social freedoms back!
I honestly think you’ll be a bit surprised by what sounds fun to your kids.
I have found that my kiddos have been missing the simplest of things…getting ice cream, taking a bike ride at the beach, shopping at the mall (okay, maybe shopping isn’t so surprising since I have 2 teen girls!).
Having a quick family discussion aloud will get the idea juices flowing. My kiddos always seem a bit more chatty at dinner, so plan to have your brainstorming session at the optimal time for your family.
Need some inspiration of activities to add to your family bucket list??
I’ve created a list of 101 fun things to do with kids below if your family needs some extra prompts and ideas.

Here’s just some of the fun ideas you can incorporate in your family fun bucket list!
1. Go to a dollar movie
2. Visit a Farm
3. Color a picture
4. Go for a hike
5. Visit a farmer’s market
6. Go fishing
7. Play a board game
8. Do a taste test
9. Write in a journal
10. Have a digital detox day
11. Take underwater photos
12. Have a family dance party
13. Go geocaching
14. Run through the sprinklers
15. Host a sleepover
16. Pay “HORSE” in basketball
17. Learn a magic trick
18. Play laser tag
19. Make a scrapbook
20. Visit a local museum
21. Have a PJ day
22. Plant flowers
23. Eat cotton candy
24. Play Cards
25. Make a music video
26. Attend an outdoor concert
27. Play Hide and Seek
28. Host a BBQ
29. Watch a parade
30. Make and play hopscotch
31. Volunteer
32. Play frisbee
33. Make homemade pizzas
34. Plant a garden
35. Host a bonfire
36. Skip rocks at a pond
37. Have a family Game Night
38. Go stargazing
39. Visit an aquarium
40. Tie dye t-shirts
41. Have a hula hoop contest
42. Go to an amusement park
43. Play mini-golf
44. Go kayaking/canoeing
45. Watch a drive in movie
46. Camp in your backyard
47. Eat watermelon
48. Take a trip to the Dollar Store
49. Try yoga
50. Play a backyard game (Wiffle Ball/Badminton/Corn Hole/Tag)
51. Visit an arcade
52. Ride a carousel
53. Visit a shopping mall
54. Eat at a drive in restaurant (Sonic, Rally’s, Checkers)
55. Play with play dough
56. Eat an ice cream sundae for dinner
57. Visit a street fair
58. Finger paint
59. Make a puppet show
60. Ride bikes/scooters
61. Make Ice cream in a bag
62. Challenge someone to Tic-Tac-Toe
63. Attend a baseball game
64. Have a picnic
65. Do a hidden picture
66. Draw with chalk
67. Make a smoothie
68. Have water gun war
69. Visit a new park
70. Play with bubbles
71. Build a sandcastle
72. Visit a water park
73. Rent a movie from the library
74. Go swimming
75. Visit a local county fair
76. Join your library reading program
77. Make a root beer float
78. Perform a random act of kindness
79. Make breakfast for dinner
80. Play in the sprinkler
81. Pick a craft from Pinterest
82. Eat at a new restaurant
83. Pack and enjoy a picnic
84. Have water balloon fight
85. Go bowling
86. Face paint
87. Go to a splash pad
88. Write a letter to a family member
89. Eat donuts
90. Build a fort
91. Go to a garage sale
92. Eat corn on the cob
93. Got to the beach/lake
94. Make icees/snow cones
95. Pick berries
96. Indoor Nerf gun war
97. Try a new recipe
98. Create a scavenger hunt
99. Make s’mores
100. Get a treat from an ice cream truck
101. Go on a Slip N’ Slide
After your family’s verbal brainstorm session, have your kids write down some of their favorite ideas.
If your children are too young to write or do this on their own, then you can verbally talk about what they would like to do and write it down for them.
Caution: If you have a child who is very literal (like I do) remind them this is just a “brainstorming” session.
Just because they write down “Take a trip to the moon” does NOT mean it’s set in stone, and you are heading off to NASA for training!
I’ve created several printable templates to help you! Use whichever ones you think will work best for your child’s age.
Feel free to print out one for yourself too!! Goodness knows, us mamas need some things to look forward…like NOT cooking for a month, or possibly the rest of our lifetime!!
Click on the images below to access the printable Family Fun Bucket List PDF
Once you’re done writing down all of your ideas, as a family, chat about them and come up with a modified family list that seems “do-able”!
Feel free to add a few things that may feel like a bit of a stretch…it’s good to have some exciting dream events that are a little out of reach.
I’d highly recommend typing your family’s fun bucket list and posting it somewhere visible in your home to help you stay positive through this challenging time and to encourage you that things will get back to some semblance of “normal” again!
My hope is that this time of isolation and social distancing makes my family and me more appreciative of the small things in life and to not ever take our day-to-day lives for granted!
I hope you and your family find some hope and inspiration in this activity that will help you get through the tough days!
Remember…More fun and life adventures await us all! #thistooshallpass
Until next time, cheers to sanity and optimism, and cheers to you!