The Purge Party is the perfect way to simplify and organize your life and home. This easy process with free printables will help you every step of the way to a simply organized dining room.
Well, hiya there, gorgeous!!!!
Whewee! I gotta be real, I’m looking forward to week 9 of the PURGE PARTY because this week, I’m living on “easy street”!
My dining room is already very minimal so I don’t have too much work this week, and I can take a little breather!
Just in case your dining room isn’t giving you a sigh of relief, I’m here to help you by laying out the Purge Party Plan…so let’s jump right in!
#1 – The End Is First
Yep, I know it sounds kinda’ weird to say the END is FIRST but that’s exactly what I want you to do!!
Before you do ANYTHING, get a vivid vision of what you want the end product of your dining room to be.
Is it a place that your family gathers in simple celebrations or are you more of a fancy dinner party gal with tons of friends and lots of noise and energy?
Maybe you are a little of both and want your dining room to be more of a versatile space that meets many needs!
Like calling on a genie in a bottle, wish for your ideal dining room…close your eyes and truly see it, hear it, smell it…feel it!!
This envisioning process will help you as you travel through the next steps.
#2 – Set the Night (or Day) to Music
I don’t know about you, but with the right tunes, I’m pretty sure I can accomplish ANYTHING!!!
Well, maybe not an Iron Man, but pretty much everything else!!
So now’s the time to set the tone for your Purge Party…turn on the tunes and get in the groove of decluttering and organizing! This is Simplicity Soiree, so jam out to your favorite music!
#3 – Time to Box
Most projects and jobs need some supplies, and luckily organizing your home needs very few!!
At my house, I keep it super simple and grab some boxes from my garage and label them to sort all of the stuff I no longer want.
Want a peek?
Just lovely, huh…. See, I told you, super simple, nothing fancy!

#4 – Take No Prisoners
Now it’s time to get serious…are you ready?
It’s GO time!
Remove all items from every shelf, cabinet, cupboard, drawer, etc…yes, I mean it… EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM.
Don’t be shy!
Pull it ALL out and then put the things you no longer want in your labeled boxes.
Be ruthless, picky, and utterly impossible – take no prisoners in your approach and only keep the things you truly love and use!!
Everything else is “Bye, Felicia!”
#5 – A Toast to YOU!
When’s the last time you celebrated an accomplishment??
I mean REALLY celebrated??
I’m guessing it’s been awhile!
Well, now’s your time to shine!!
You’ve worked hard, and your home reflects it, so go treat yourself to something special!!
I mean it….do something to celebrate this victory in conquering the clutter and becoming more aligned with a simpler life!!
⬇️Here’s the short and sweet version (kind of like me) for you!! ⬇️

Hope you found this week’s Purge Party as low-key as I did!
If not, I’m hoping you are basking in the beauty of your newly organized Dining Room!
Let me know how it’s going!!
Are you keeping up the momentum of tackling a room each week?
More Purge Party Organizing Posts:
Purge Party Week #1 – Meet Me in the Bedroom…
Second Stop on the Purge Party Train – #2 The Master Bathroom – Hop On Board!
Plunging into Purge Party Week #3 – The Master Bedroom Closet
Week #4 – Kids Spaces – We’re Going on a Junk Hunt!
Week #5 – Kid Bedrooms – Here’s Looking at You, Kids
Purge Party Week #6 – Bathrooms
Party On!! Purge Party Week #7
Feeling Great in Week #8 in the Laundry Room