Being a Mom is the most challenging job around, and whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mama, the key to getting everything done is staying organized and slaying the time management game. The best way to balance your hectic family schedule, kid activities, and work commitments is to use a family organizer! Increase your productivity and achieve your goals this year! Find out the Top 5 Reasons EVERY mom needs a planner!
It’s 2021 and I bet, like me, you are ready to really rock this new year and forget any memory of 2020! #worstyearever
So you know what’s the first thing I did to get my shiznit together for the NEW YEAR??
Hire a personal assistant??
Nah, girl, that’s not in my budget!!
Booked a week-long workshop on productivity?
Nope – this chica doesn’t have time for that!
I GOT A REAL PLANNER!!!! (AKA a Family Organizer)

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Like the kind you buy online or in a store with legit printed pages and stuff…and that’s not all, it even has calendar stickers!!
Can I get a WOO WOO!?!?
I know it sounds super lame-o that I am so excit-a-balls about a planner (clearly I need to get a life), but for the last few years, I’ve been just printing out weekly calendars and to-do lists from my computer…
ya’ know to save money and because I thought it was just an unnecessary expense.
Which was all well and good and did the trick (kind-of), but honestly it’s hard to have much continuity day to day, week to week, and month to month with a hodgepodge do-it-yourself half-ass calendar (with no stickers).
So that’s why I decided to get a bit more serious about my time management game and purchase a real-life, grown-up planner!
After reading quite a few reviews from various sites ( I recommend this list of reviews if you are looking for a new planner too), I decided to purchase the Amy Knapp Family Organizer from Amazon
And to really up my get-your-life-together game even more, I got myself some fine line pens to color code my “new best friend” (aka planner)!
So, mamas, I’m just a few days in, but so far, I’m loving this new improved ultra-organized version of myself!
And let me tell you why…
if you don’t have a planner, do yourself a favor, and give one to yourself…or better yet, do what I do…buy it for yourself but act like your kids bought it for you!!
Seems like less of a splurge that way!
Honestly, now is the perfect time to get one because they are all on HUGE discounts because the new year has already started, so grabbing a new one won’t break the new year budget!
Well, you’re probably wondering why I’m so freakin’ gung-ho about having a planner – so, let me break it down for ya’… why every mom needs a real planner!!
Why Every Dang Mama Needs a Family Organizer / Planner
1. Get ‘Er Done
When you have one location that you keep your schedule, important information, upcoming events, to-do lists, menu ideas, and grocery lists, you just get more things done because your planner becomes your one-stop-shop for keeping it all organized.
Having a planner streamlines so many areas of your life and helps you just get more stuff done!
2. Your Backup Brain
The busier I am, the more I forget important things like birthdays, anniversaries, appointments…and when you’ve got a planner, you don’t have to keep all of those dates in your brain…let your planner be your memory – lessen your brain drain and let the planner do the work!!
Embarrassingly missing a friend’s birthday will be a thing of the past because “Claire’s Birthday” is staring at you every time you look at your planner!
3. Keep Track of the Details
If you are like me, you find yourself writing down random things on post-it notes or little pieces of paper…and invariably they get lost and so does that vital info!
Having a planner gives you one spot to keep track of those little things that you aren’t sure where to write them down!
I find now that I keep track of books I want to read, podcasts I want to listen to, and other little lists and reminders in my planner.
Adios missing post-it notes!!
4. Plan Ahead
Possibly the most dreaded three words for many moms…er, well, at least they are for me…
“What’s for dinner”?
When you have a planner, you are more likely to not only plan your calendar activities ahead of time but you have space to plan meals and grocery lists too!
My new planner actually has a perforated menu and grocery list, so it makes it so simple to stay on top of the meal planning!
5. Faking It
We’ve all heard the phrase – “Fake it ’til you make it”….well, owning a planner evokes the same idea.
If you look like an uber-organized mom with your professional planner, you will start acting like one!! For real-io!
No joke!! If you spend the money to purchase a planner and spend the time to carry it with you, then you are going to feel the urge to actually start using it, and getting your life a little more together!!
Before you know it, your friends will all be asking “how do you do it all”…and little do they know, it’s all because you bought yourself a planner!!
So what’s the verdict, mamas??
Do you have a family organizer??
Do you use it??
What kinds of things do you track in it??
Let me know if you think I overlooked anything on my list!!
And until next time, cheers to getting your shiznit together, and cheers to you!