Simple Activities to Make Yourself a Priority with a 30 Day Self Care Challenge

February is right around the corner, and we all know what that means…
Totally falling off the wagon with your New Year’s Resolutions?
Massive anxiety of what to buy your main squeeze for Valentine’s Day??
The season finale of “The Masked Dancer”?
No, no, and no! (well maybe yes, but those aren’t the answers I’m looking for)
What I’m talking about is the Month of Love!
Yes, it’s true most of us spend many days of February thinking about ways we can show the ones we love most how much we care.
There are a lot of items on the romance to-do list… plan a candlelit date night, buy gifts, and send cards.
I’ve even really upped my love game by planning a 30 Day Relationship Challenge for my husband.
You can see all those great ideas and how-to’s here on this blog post.
But I have a question for you…
What do you have planned for the most important person in your life??
If you are a busy Mama like me, doing nice things for yourself is normally at the end of your list (if it’s on the list at all!)
So this month I’m challenging you to do one nice thing for yourself EVERY. SINGLE. FREAKING. DAY.! (Can’t pull off EVERY day, then try to give yourself some TLC at least once a week!)
Don’t worry, buying expensive mink coats and planning a 10-day Bora Bora all-inclusive vaycay are not on the list!!
But what IS on the list is doing small things to improve your mental health and spending time to truly focus on taking care of yourself!
Pretty much all of my suggestions for the 30 Day Self Care Challenge can be accomplished in a few minutes (around 10 minutes or less) or and will cost less than $10 in most cases.
I’ll be sharing a collection of small actions you can easily incorporate in your mom-sanity life that will help you feel better, more aligned, and all-around more like the Goddess you are!!
Don’t we all want a big dose of that??
There’s absolutely nothing more important than giving yourself some extra love, and I promise you that your future self will thank you! There are so many positive health benefits that will improve your life by making yourself a priority.
So what do you have to lose??
Are you ready for the Love Yo’Self Challenge?!? (hint, hint, the correct answer is a “Hell, Yeah…I’m In!”)
I’m going to be committing to doing it too because let’s be honest, it sounds like A TON OF FUN and this mama needs some more TLC!!
Oh and the best part of this challenge for me (besides participating in it, of course) is that I get to create a self-care challenge PRINTABLE! (Can I get “Whoop! Whoop!) .
You know how I live for making printables!! Does this girl know how to have some serious fun or what!?!?
And if you need more ideas that focus on self-care, I have a whole Pinterest self-care board with over 400 freaking awesome self-care ideas to help you on your self-love journey!
Hold onto your hats….and get ready to feel good cause here comes the 30 Day Self-Care Challenge Printable!!
And just in case you are reading this blog and it’s not the month of February, I made a special 30 Day Self-Care Love Challenge you can do any month of the year that is not date or month specific!!! (Click on the image below to get the printable PDF)
So how exactly does it work?
How to Use 30 Day Self Care Challenge
1. Set the Intention
The week before you begin this self-improvement challenge, first make the commitment that you will spend the next 30 days doing one nice thing for yourself every single day.
Plan on it being part of your daily routine before you begin and for the next 30 days (or hopefully longer) you need to be your own best friend!
Worried you won’t stick with it? Ask a friend or family member to do the challenge with you…having an accountability buddy can help you stay committed to the 30 days!
2. Print the Challenge
Next, you will print out one of the versions of the self-care challenge. There’s one that is year and day-specific, and one that is more like a checklist or self-love bucket list.
Choose whichever one will work best for you!
You can either keep your printable challenge in a private place or you can hang it like a sign so you don’t forget to accomplish your daily task.
Here is the more date-specific challenge:
Here’s another non-February printable version in case you are wanting to do the 30 day self-care activities during another month!
3. Complete a Task
For the next 30 days, accomplish one of the self-love challenge ideas.
You can do them in order or mix it up and do whichever ones fit best into your schedule and mark them off as you complete each one.
If you’re wondering what fun is in store for you, here is a list of all the self-improvement ideas.
1. Create a mantra for yourself or read some positive affirmations to get your day started
2. Take a mindful long walk in nature – fresh air always does a body good
3. Treat yourself to your favorite food – what’s something you love to eat but don’t get very often?
4. Start the morning with five deep breaths to settle your body and think about your intention for the day
5. Buy yourself flowers or an indoor plant
6. Enjoy a SLOW morning in bed
7. Do a 10 minute (or longer) self-love meditation – spend some one-on-one time with the inner you!
8. Get cozy and read in bed
9. Listen to your favorite songs and make a self-care playlist
10. Wear your favorite outfit
11. Make a list of 5 things that make you an awesome person – be sure to write it down!
12. Eat a breakfast that is nourishing to your body
13. Give yourself a heartfelt valentine – write a love letter to yourself
14. Get more rest – go to bed early or take a nap
15. Do something you loved as a kid…jigsaw puzzles, coloring books, skateboarding, swing on a swing set…channel your inner child, and make some time for PLAY!
16. Listen to an inspiring podcast or uplifting Ted Talk
17. Participate in “Random Act of Kindness Day” – spend the entire day thinking of ways you can do something nice and thoughtful for others
18. Do something you love…sing, dance, paint, cook…think about what brings a smile to your face and do that!
19. Treat yourself to something that feels like a “splurge”
20. Binge-watch a guilty pleasure tv show…bonus points if you are wearing comfy clothes in bed when you watch!
21. Before bed reflect on 10 things you are grateful for…or even better make it part of your bedtime routine and write in a gratitude journal
22. Look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment
23. Face an inner “shortcoming” and embrace & forgive yourself
24. Gift yourself with something you’ve really wanted
25. Enjoy your favorite beverage that you don’t normally allow yourself whether it’s from your local coffee shop in the morning or an evening/night specialty cocktail
26. Do some morning yoga – stretching does a body good!
27. Unplug…spend the day (or even a portion of your day) in a digital detox, keeping your cell phone and electronics off! It’s amazing how some time away from digital devices can improve your mental health!
28. Treat yourself to a hot relaxing bath – add some bubbles or essential oils for the ultimate self-care bathing experience
Don’t dig all my self-care challenge ideas?
Here are some alternate ideas that might fit better in your schedule or lifestyle:
- Start your day with a nourishing beverage…herbal tea, lemon water, green tea, protein shake
- Make a trip to your local library and check out some interesting books
- Get extra vitamin D by taking a hike in nature
- Visit a farmer’s market and purchase yourself some fresh produce
- Find a local museum or art exhibition to visit and enjoy the expression of creativity
- Pamper yourself with a face mask or a mani/pedi at home
- Create a vision board for your dream life
- Connect with an old friend you have not seen in awhile
Feel free to swap any other self-nurturing ideas you have!
I can’t wait to hear all the ways you love yourself up in February!
Who knew taking care of yourself could be such a good time?
Let me know in the comments any new creative things you’ve tried so I can add them to my list!
Cheers to showing YOURSELF how much you care!