Create a summer schedule for your children to keep the kid boredom away. Included are free printable daily and weekly summer schedules for kids with lots of ideas and inspiration for themed summer activities for each day of the week.
We all know that the start of summer is a time of great anticipation and lofty dreams of amazing family memories and adventure at every turn, but the reality is for most of us with kids who are home all summer, is it can be GOSH.DANG.HARD!
Sibling spats, boredom, arguments, too much electronics time…things can turn sour very quickly!
I’ve been fighting the “summer slump” for 18 year now, so I’ve built up by arsenal of mama tricks and tips to help you not only survive the summer, but make it a memorable one filled with fun!
But first things first….you gotta get organized, girl!
And I’m not talking about your house..those darn kids will mess it up this summer anyway.
I’m talking about getting your schedule organized!
Follow this simple 3 part plan, and you’ll be on the road to summer success!!
1. Brainstorm and Create a Family Summer Fun Bucket List
Before you begin any summer planning, I would encourage you to set some time aside with your family to create a summer bucket list.
In my blog post, “How to Keep Kids Busy All Summer Long with a Bucket List”, I walk you through the process and share some helpful tools to set your summer off on the right foot by making a master list of fun ideas to keep your family busy and engaged!
2. Create a Weekly Summer Schedule
Once you’ve created your Family Summer Bucket List, look at some of the dominant themes…is your kids’ wish list focused on travel, or sports, or arts?
Using their interests and goals, create a theme for each day of the week.
If you need some inspiration, I’ve created an idea list and a sample weekly Summer schedule for you!
I’m a bit of a cheesy, alliteration nerd, so mine all have a little of that going on, but feel free to customize your weekly schedule to fit your family’s needs!
I print mine out and either frame it in the kitchen or hang it on the fridge. It helps to have visual reminders to stay on course!
(Click on the image to get a copy of the summer schedule brainstorm list below)
This year I had the kids help me select the theme each day, and here’s our official Weekly Schedule!
(Click on the image to get a copy of the summer schedule below)
3. Create a Daily Schedule
Not only do I make a weekly schedule, it always helps me to have a daily schedule too!
Especially when my kids were younger, and my life revolved around the nap time salvation, it was super helpful to have a skeleton schedule of how the days would go.
Plus, I think kids thrive in environments where they have structure and know what to expect.
But to be honest, I love making printables, so this just gives me something else to turn into a printable worksheet! Hollah!!
(Click on the image to get a copy of our summer daily schedule below)
Now, let’s be realistic, not every day goes exactly like this…
especially as the Webettes get older, they have their own agenda some days with impromptu playdates or trips to the beach/movies/whatever, but it’s so helpful to have an idea about what the days will kinda’ look like.
I promise you, it helps ensure that your summer days won’t just slip away!
Did I miss anything in our family schedule…got any suggestions of things I should add?
Let me know if the comments!!
I’m always looking for ways to improve our summer plans!
Until next time, cheers to saving your sanity and cheers to you!