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It’s Just Another Mindful Monday

What is Mindfulness and how to be more present and mindful in your daily life?

Mindful Quote Mindfulness

Hello Monday, my new friend!!!

Aw, poor Monday, it’s probably the most hated day of the week, so how about we incorporate a little more positivity into this neglected, semi-loathed day?

Do you wake up on Mondays and jump out of bed with excitement or loathe having to start your day?

Well, I think I can help regardless of your answer.

As I shared in an earlier post (read it here), I’m on a self-journey of creating a life that is simpler, more meaningful and simply put, all-around more magical ✨(Cue the rainbows and unicorns).

I have no doubt that one of the cornerstones of my path is integrating more mindfulness into my life.

There is no denying that I’m an ultra “Type A” personality (yes, I have checklists for about everything in my life and am constantly organizing every square inch of my house), so it’s very easy for me to get lost in the to-do’s and the hustle and bustle of life without being fully present to the moment or to the people that I hold so dear.

Mindfulness isn’t something that just happens overnight (well, at least it hasn’t for me).

Mindfulness is truly a practice…there is never the ultimate arrival point.

The first step of my mindfulness journey has been to admit I’ve been lying to myself about how present I am in each moment. (which has been a painful exercise, especially for a “perfectionist” like me)

The truth…I’m not not very present at all.

If I take a closer look at the reasons why I don’t feel very present most of the time, it’s because I’m in a constant state of distraction (hello, momsanity)...

texts, emails, phone calls, social media, games on my phone…the list of things that consume my time and attention is longer than a six year olds Santa wish list.

If I’m going to be 100% transparent here (which, what the hell…why not!), I have an addiction…I’m addicted to being busy and feeling productive.

I hate to even admit this, but it’s true….my dirty little confession…I’m on level 921 of the “Best Fiends” app on my phone because it makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something.

Ha Ha, I just reread that sentence and thought “I’m freaking nuts.” But the cat’s out of the bag.

I’m a professional “DO-er” who always falls short of the never ending list which in turn makes me feel bad and try harder to do even more.

I make the proverbial hamster wheel look like a damn circus act with heels on.

Here’s the harsh reality that I know is true… none of the day-to-day busy list things I do really matter.

Honestly, they are distractions from connecting with my loved ones and from being peaceful and present in the moment.

The next step for me, after admitting I’m not fully connected to what really matters is making choices to come back into alignment and making sure my actions reflect my intentions.

Like any other addiction, there is a process to letting go of the behaviors that have become habitual. Not easy, but doable and totally worth it.

One of the most helpful tools for me has been to track my habits and to set goals to lessen my time on my phone (which I’ve pinpointed as the main source of distraction for me).

I’m sure there are other similar apps, but I currently use one called Moment (which is free and super easy to use).

It tracks my screen time and my “pickups” (you know, all those times you incessantly check your phone looking at social media to be sure your friends aren’t having fun without you…yes, I am the QUEEN OF FOMO).

When I started tracking, my pickups were over 100!!!

Can you believe that!?!?!

I was checking my phone over 100 times a day!!

Holy smokes… no wonder I was feeling scattered and stressed.

Yep, I’m a bonafide “phone-aholic”.

Being aware of my behaviors and habits has been eye-opening and honestly, heart breaking…it’s not the way I want to spend my life.

I do honor the fact that this is a journey, and I’m trying to be gentle with myself (I have a tendency of beating myself up over this stuff).

The good news is that I’ve taken the first step of awareness.

Next I’m going to share what other practices I have found helpful and things that I incorporate into my daily life to become more present and mindful.

Cheers to me not making it to level 1000 on “Best Fiends”!  ♥ (BUT let’s be real, I’m so friggin’ close that I might as well stop after I hit that milestone. Oh jeez, I’ve got issues :)!

Join the club, right!?!?!

Magan Weber

Your Go-To Mama For 

Organizing Your Health

Home, & Happiness

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