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How Using Themed Days Each Week Will Make You More Present and Productive in Your Life

Want to be more productive and efficient with your time? Creating a monthly calendar with themed days will help you slay the productivity game!

January calendar with themed days

It’s 2021!!! (Can I get a “Thank the Lord”!?!?)

For me, this time of year is always filled with reflection on the past and renewed optimism for a clean slate in the upcoming year.

And after the shitshow that was 2020, I have never been more excited to say goodbye to a year than this one! #seeya2020

As I look back over the last year, I’ve gotta take a hard look at how I showed up, and to be honest, it was a year of FLOUNDERING for me…

I mean I did the basics…my family was fed and cared for…my dog got a walk each day…bills were paid on time…but much more than the bare minimum, I don’t have much to show for 2020.

It’s not something I am going to be too hard on myself for, because after all, we survived a global pandemic, and here in California, most of the year we were in some sort of lockdown or stay-at-home orders of one kind or another.

So I’m definitely going to give myself a pass for being a bit lazy and unmotivated.

Heck, just making it to 2021 in one piece is cause for a round of applause! 

But the truth is, 2020 was not a year filled with much fun….or laughter…or meaning…

It was a “get through it” survival year for me.

And one year of that is P-L-E-N-T-Y for me…

I know I need to do something different this year, and I’m committed to being more present and focused. Not because I think I need to be a certain way, but because being active and engaged just makes me happier, and a big ole dose of JOY is just what I need to start this year.

When thinking about what brings me happiness and the feeling like I matter, two things immediately come to mind…

1. Having Structure

2. Feeling Productive

Pandemic fatigue has become an (unwanted) daily companion to me, and I decided I need a plan to feel like my life has meaning and purpose.

So you know what this calls for…


Seriously, ya’ll know how much I love me a good reason to make a printable, and I’m going to start off this year right by having a plan that is solid and concrete.

I was recently reading how having a “theme” each day of the week can help you be more productive, and it helps you utilize your time better, so I decided to give it a whirl and put that theory to the test!

Here’s my breakdown of the theme each day for the month of January:

Sunday – Self-Care (Do something that nurtures yourself)

Monday – Mindful (Engage in an activity that makes you more present)

Tuesday – Toss-It (Purge an area of your life)

Wednesday – Wellness (Focus on making healthy choices)

Thursday – Tackle-It (Complete a project)

Friday – Future (Do one thing your future self will thank you for)

Saturday – Sanitize (Clean one area of your home)

Not only do I love printables, I’m a total sucker for alliteration too…can you tell?

So what do you think?

It doesn’t sound too hard, right?

I even made a calendar that I have sitting on my desk to keep me on track!

test alt text

I’ve attached a copy of it if you want to join in…

Or I added a blank one so you can fill in your own daily tasks.

Blank January Calendar

So, what do you predict?

Think this little plan of mine will help me get my life mojo back? (I’m praying so, and I’ll keep you posted!)

Until next time, cheers to no more floundering, and cheers to you!



How to used themed days to be more productive
Themed days to be more productive

Magan Weber

Your Go-To Mama For 

Organizing Your Health

Home, & Happiness

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