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Staying on Track with Your Goals in the New Year – How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Mo-Jo

An easy and simple way to achieve goals, track your progress, and adopt new habits is to use a daily habit tracker! This free printable habit tracker will help you monitor your habits and goals, and it will also help motivate you by providing a visual of your daily progress and success.

Goals Letterboard

Welp, we are a few months into 2019, and if you are anything like me (Lordy, let’s hope not because I’m somewhat of a disaster about 50% of the time) those kick-ass resolutions that you were so gung ho about are probably a forgotten thing of the past, kind of like that “green bean diet” I tried in college…pretty much over before it even got started!

So how do you get your New Year’s Resolutions MoJo back??

Hell if I know, go Google it and let me know what you find out! LOL!!

Okay, all kidding aside, the resolutions backslide is a real thing, and I’m totally guilty of it, like right now at this very moment! So, what am I gonna do about it??

Oh, I’m so glad you asked…hello, make a printable!! I’m pretty sure printables can solve any problem…am I right??

Well at least for me they do!! 

Back in January, I had some pretty big ideas about the things I wanted to incorporate into my daily routines….starting the day with a big glass of citrus water, meditating, exercising more, taking vitamins, drinking more wine, (oh actually, it was drinking LESS wine, oops!)

Any guess as to how I’m doing?? Well, let’s say if I was a high school student, I’d be getting a big ‘ole fat F. I’m estimating I’m consistent about 60% of the time, so maybe that’s a D-.

Anyway, my point is, I’m not doing so great! 

To help get me back in the groove, I’ve decided to track my progress with this newly created PRINTABLE!!!

Yes, I’m the first to admit I was totally a “star ⭐on the chore chart” kinda kid, so I’m hoping this grown-up version of a star chart will do the trick!!

printable daily habit tracker

Want a copy to use to get your mojo back too? Sure thing, here ya’ go!!

(Click on the Daily Habit Tracker image above to have the printable PDF sent to your inbox)

Want to see how I’m doing in real-time??

I’ll be updating my progress on Instagram here and Facebook here!

Let me know in the comments what helps you stay motivated??

This girl needs all the help she can get!! I’m all ears!!

Until next time, cheers to getting back on track, and cheers to you!!




Other Word of Intention and New Year’s Resolutions Posts:


– Adios 2019, Hello 2020 – How to Choose your One Word of Intention this New Year!


I’ve Chosen My One Word – Now What?

Top 5 Reasons Why Every Mom Needs to Have a Planner

Just In Case You Missed it! You can grab your own printable Habit Tracker Here!

Habit Tracker

Magan Weber

Your Go-To Mama For 

Organizing Your Health

Home, & Happiness

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