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How to Incorporate Positive Self-Care into Your Everyday Routine During Quarantine

With much of the country sheltering and in quarantine lockdown due to the Corona Virus Covid-19 illness, there’s no better time to take care of yourself with some extra self-care. Ensure that you are getting enough self-love in your daily life by using this customizable, self-care, free printable checklist.

Croissant with iPhone, earphones, pencil and journal

It’s Day #14 of Covid-19 Quarantine here in our home (not that I’m counting or anything!), and it’s now sunk in that this is our new “normal”.

Although the State of California legally went into shelter mode a week ago, we began our family lockdown before the rest of the state and the country because we have several family members with weaker immune systems, one being me!

It definitely took so time to get used to this new pace of life, but I think we’ve all pretty much hit our groove in creating routines that work best for each of us individually.

So what does our typical day look like?

For the kids, they have each made their own school schedule and honestly, I’m super proud that they haven’t fought us too much on getting some academic work done…

truthfully, I think that they like the structure and sense of accomplishment of being productive during the day.

I never in my life thought they would miss going to school as much as they do. #youdontknowwhatyouvegotuntilitsgone

For Mr. Organizen, although his workload has slowed considerably, he is continuing to do some business from home, and the remainder of the time he has committed to a daily exercise routine, and he is really focusing his day on diving into some spiritual practices.

For me, I’ve finally got the kids on a “loose” personalized, daily schedule, and I spend more time prepping food than I ever have, but I’ve really tried to focus this bonus downtime to what I’ve been calling “extreme, radical self-care”.

Letter Board with "things to do"

I know many people think that self-care means getting massages, buying stuff, pampering yourself with mani-pedis, purchasing yourself flowers and your favorite meals…

which are all expressions of self-care, but since pretty much all types of social interactions and most forms of consumerism are not available right now, I’ve really focused on self-care as a practice of simply nurturing what feeds my mind, body, and soul.

As many of you know, I’ve had challenges with my health over the last year, and I cannot think of a better “medicine” than making authentic self-care the focal point of my day.

And lucky for me, we have this gift of time for me to do just that!

Before this break, I was so busy with outside responsibilities, I always put taking care of myself at the bottom of the list, and for the first time in my life, I can now make it one of the highest priorities of my day.

So I bet you are wondering what kind of things I do as self-care when I can’t really leave my house and can’t interact with anyone outside of my immediate family!

Well, I’ve made a handy dandy printable list of ideas for myself, that I will also share with you!!

30 Days of Self-Love Printable

So, now the only thing left to chat about is which one are you going to start with?

Think you can do a few each day?

Did you have other activities that fill your self-love tank?

Shoot me an email and let me know!!


If you need a little extra in-depth explanation and want to create a daily self-care plan, check out my blog post that gives you this free printable below and walks you through the process here!

Self-Care Assessment

So until next time, cheers to putting yourself at the top of your quarantine to-do list!



Got Pinterest & Want to “Pin It” for later?

Self-care challenge



– Who Needs Self-Care? Maybe YOU!!

– The 5 Essential Areas of Self-Care

– How To Make Self-Care a Daily Activity With Ease

Magan Weber

Your Go-To Mama For 

Organizing Your Health

Home, & Happiness

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