The Purge Party is an easy process with free printables that will help you every step of the way to simply organize the living spaces in your home. This house organization system will give you lots of motivation to tidy your entry, living room, and family room.
Heidi ho! It’s Week 7 of the Purge Party!!
Who is ready to jump right in?
Feeling a little unmotivated to keep going?
Well, here’s a pep talk just for you!!
I promise, simplifying and organizing can improve your life in so many ways – read more here to find out how!
I’ve honestly been looking forward to this week because I can take a little breather!!
The living areas (Living Room, Entry, and Family Room) in my house are in pretty good shape before the decluttering purge, but in case yours aren’t, here’s a detailed run down of the process!
1. See the End First
What are you wanting from your living spaces?
What words trigger happiness when you think of them…Cozy, Clean, Zen, Relaxing, Playful?
Get a crystal clear vision of what you want the end product to look and feel like! This visualizing exercise is a powerful tool in creating the space that reflects your goals before you even begin!
2. Put on Your Party Pants!
What’s a party without music??
Well, it’s NOT a PARTY!!
So turn up the tunes that inspire you to boogie and purge!
Turn on those jams that put you in a good mood and make you feel that you can conquer the clutter!! “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”
3. It’s Go Time for the Gear
Step #3 is all about being prepared and getting your tools ready!
It’s super simple…just grab some boxes or containers that you will use to sort all of your stuff!
Label them in whatever way works best for you!
– Rubbish/Trash
– Recycle/Regift
– Relocate/Move
– Retail/Sell
Now you are ready to roll!!!
4. Be a Picky Princess
Do you remember the princess from “The Princess and the Pea”who was super picky about her sleeping arrangements?
Even though there were 20 mattresses piled upon a pea she still didn’t sleep well because she was so bothered by that tiny pea!
Well, you are that princess and clutter is your pea!!
Find it and eliminate it!
Unleash that inner Picky Princess and tolerate no clutter!
5. Let It Out
For anyone who hates messes (Um, hello, me!) step #5 might be the most challenging one because it’s time to make a mess!
Pull out EVERYTHING from every drawer, cabinet, closet and shelf!
Pile that shit up!!
Just like those evil Gremlins that miraculously duplicate, clutter has the same tendencies when left in it’s spot!
The best way to identify the clutter and whether your love and use it, is to sort through every single item!
If you don’t either LOVE it or USE, put that “Baby in the Corner”, or in this case put it in one of your labeled boxes.
6. Begin the After Party
Once you’ve sorted all of your possessions, kept only the loved must-haves, and returned the items you want to keep neatly back where they belong, it’s time to clean, dust, and vacuum your spaces!
Next remove those labeled boxes, and get ready to join the after party!
(Party horns and streamers are highly encouraged )
“Celebrate good times, come on!”
Now check out your newly organized digs…doesn’t it feel simplified and clutter-free?
Give yourself a big ole pat on the back for a job WELL DONE!!!
Short on time and just want the quick summary! Here it is!!

Looking for more inspiration or curious what I’m up to?
Then let’s connect on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook
Cheers to you on your journey of creating a (clutter-free) life that you love!
More Purge Party Organizing Posts:
Purge Party Week #1 – Meet Me in the Bedroom…
Second Stop on the Purge Party Train – #2 The Master Bathroom – Hop On Board!
Plunging into Purge Party Week #3 – The Master Bedroom Closet
Week #4 – Kids Spaces – We’re Going on a Junk Hunt!