Ready to get your bedroom organized once and for all? Check out this simple 6-step decluttering process that will help you get your home tidy and clutter-free! Welcome to the Purge Party Week #1!
Ok, save that thought for later tonight with your honey…. I mean, meet me in YOUR bedroom, ahem…to begin Purge Party Week #1!
Can I get “Whoop Whoop”!?!?
Hopefully last week you read through the Purge Party Pact and Promise (if not, check it out here).
It’s basically a simple guideline for having a Purge Party…
which explains the necessary agreements like…limiting new purchases, making time in your schedule every week, finding a friend/accountability sista…you know, all the important things you really need to understand and agree to before you start!
So, go get your readers on (I think I need a pair, dammit!) and make sure you are on board!!
Now that you have fully agreed to the Purge Party Pact,
it is time to get this PARTY STARTED!!!
It is Week One, and because it’s the beginning of the year, my kids are still at home for winter break, so I decided to start off slow and easy with the room that needs very little intervention at my house, and one that I spend the most time in…the Master Bedroom. (Hey now, I mean the most time’s not THAT kind of blog!)
1. Visualize
Before you start anything…first, get a vision of what you want for your space…f
or me, I want a Master Bedroom that is serene and peaceful…
an oasis from my day-to-day “momsanity,” and absolutely nothing that brings stress…
like kid stuff in my bedroom (everyone knows that Legos and Shopkins are bedroom buzzkills)!
2. Turn on the Tunes
Next, “Pump up the Jam”, turn on your favorite tunes…
this is a PARTY after all!! (hello, R&B boy bands from the 90’s…I’m looking at you, Boyz II Men).
3. Grab Your Tools
Third on your to do list is to get tooled…
oops I mean, get your tools (Cocktails are for AFTER you are done)!
The tools you will need are 4 boxes/containers/bins labeled with four headings…
I’m a sucker for alliteration (nerd alert!) so I label mine with….
Rubbish – Crap no one wants…not even my Uncle…and he’s a certified “hoarder”
Recycle/Regift – Maybe my neighbor won’t notice it’s a re-gift?
Relocate – What in the world is this doing in here?
Retail – Hmmm….wonder how much I can get for this on Craigslist?
You can choose whatever labels that resonate with you…trash, recycle, move, sell…customize your boxes with what works for you best!!
4. Get Picky
Fourth, get your mind right…be ruthless in your PURGE (channel The Bachelor handing out roses…only the best make the cut)...
If you don’t TOTALLY LOVE it or USE it, TOSS that THANG, girlfriend!!!
K.I.S.S – (Keep It Simple Sister)…don’t overthink this process…the goal is for your surroundings to only be filled with things that truly give you JOY.
5. Dump It All Out
Next, empty all of the drawers, chests, cabinets…basically all storage containers of every type…this is a CRUCIAL STEP…
don’t just look through your drawers and remove a few things.
Empty every container in your bedroom and only put back the things that you really love and are in good, useable condition. (Adios, old sports bra from college – circa 1994, my husband will say “hallelujah”)
Once you have neatly put back the belongings, take a good look around your room.
Does everything left in the decor, bedding, and furniture reflect your original vision?
(This might be the time to relocate the X- Box…not really fitting in to my zen vibe)
If it’s not in alignment with your vision, remove it and put it in one of your labeled boxes/bins.
6. Clean Up and Celebrate
Lastly, dust, clean, vacuum all surfaces, and remove your labeled boxes, & celebrate your success with chocolate, wine, binge watching Real Housewives, a shopping spree – (just kidding on the shopping spree…that’s forbidden in the fine print of the Purge Party Pact!!)
Take a quick second and see how you feel…Look around, you’ve made progress!!!
You’ve removed the JUNK and SIMPLIFIED your surroundings which will have a HUGE impact on your overall mood and sense of well-being.
Don’t you feel lighter and more centered?
In case you need the Cliff Notes version of the process…here you go…my handy, dandy printable recap just for you!!

Also, if you are joining me mid-Party, it’s never too late to join the fun…you can never be too tardy for this party!
You can see all of the Purge Party Blogs and Printables on my Pinterest Page (here)
Want to see my personal Purge Party photos??
Check out my Instagram, I’ll be posting all the party recaps under the Purge Party Highlights (here)
What to know my top picks for Bedroom Organizers??
Then head over here and you will see all of my must-have recommendations! Organizing has never been easier with these awesome gadgets and organizing products!!
And as always, don’t be shy, share your PURGE experience.
How did you feel after?
Was it hard or easy?
What did you learn about yourself and what you’ve been holding onto that you released?
Give us the deets, peeps!
Congrats!!! YOU DID IT!!! Week 1 is in the books and you rocked it!!
Until next week…Cheers to Getting this Party Poppin’ like a Kid N’ Play House Party, and cheers to you!
More Purge Party Organizing Posts:
Second Stop on the Purge Party Train – #2 The Master Bathroom – Hop On Board!
Plunging into Purge Party Week #3 – The Master Bedroom Closet