An easy & delicious dog treats recipe with simple directions to make homemade peanut butter pumpkin dog snacks.

Is it time to toss the store-bought dog biscuits and opt to make your own healthy pet treats for your pup instead?
Well for our family, that is a big ole’ “Heck Yeah”!
Our pup Harper has food sensitivities to poultry which we realized were causing frequent ear infections for her, and once we removed chicken (and all fowl food products) from her diet by making her homemade beef-based dog food, we saw an immediate improvement in her health.
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If you have been curious about how to make dog food, it is much easier than you probably expect, and I wrote a blog post about it here: How to Make Your Own Dog Food.
*HOT TIP* It is doubly easier if you use a crockpot (my favorite one is below)…it cuts waaaaayyyy down on prep time!

Once we saw how easy making her dog food was, we realized that we could probably make her dog treats too…and that’s just what we did!
We first bought a Dash Dog Treat Maker because we thought it was just so.darn.cute, and inside there was a Canine Cook Book, so we thought we’d jump into the world of canine cuisine with the easiest recipe they had…Peanut Butter Pumpkin Dog Biscuits.
My hubby and I actually made a fun video that shares our honest thoughts about this kitchen baking gadget in case you are curious to learn more about the Dash Dog Treat Maker.
The video is part of our “Wack Or Worth It” Wednesday show and some highlights are Gavin rapping, trying the dog bone, making treats exactly like the picture on the box, NOT, and an impression of Borat – you are the voter of that one. Read this post and then be sure to check it out and have a good laugh!!!
Let me break down this easy-peasy recipe so you too can make your own dog treats (using a Dash Treat Maker is optional, you can form them into any shape and bake them if you prefer!)
The Ingedients:
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 3 TBSP unsweetened, smooth natural peanut butter
- 1 large egg
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
The Instructions:
1. Heat the Dash Dog Treat Maker (or oven to 350 degrees)
2. In a mixing bowl combine pumpkin

To make opening the can even easier, I use this Kitchen Mama automatic can opener…It’s one of my favorite kitchen tools…it does all the work and leaves the edge dull so you won’t cut yourself!

3. Add 1 egg and 3 TBS of peanut butter

*** VERY IMPORTANT NOTE – Double check the ingredients in your peanut butter to make sure it does not contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs. **. I made sure to get unsweetened, organic smooth PB.
4. Then add in 1 cup whole wheat flour

5. Mix ingredients well

6. Spray the treat maker with non-stick cooking spray
7. Bake for 5 minutes, then flip bones and cook another 5 minutes (if baking in the oven, form in the shape of a flat bone and bake for 30-35 min. on parchment paper)

8. Remove treats and let cool before serving
If you really want to live life on the edge, you wild thang, you can even eat them…because they are human-healthy too!
My hubby actually ate one and here is his facial response…you’ll have to watch the video to see whether that’s joy or pain! LOL!
So there you have it, friends, four ingredients, and approximately 15 minutes of prep/cook time… I mean seriously does it get much easier than that??
Making your own healthy dog treats is a great way to make sure your dog gets the highest nutrition possible and stays away from any possible food allergens…and it will leave your dog saying “BONE Appetit!”
So what do you think? Have you ever made your own dog food or dog treats?
What’s your dog’s favorite recipe?? We’re hoping to try more and would love to know your tried and true, go-to faves!
Let us know in the comments below!
Until next time, cheers to wag-tastic healthy dog treats, and cheers to you!
Oh by the way… in case you don’t have your Pet’s Emergency Grab n’ Go Kit ready, be sure to check out my post on how to be prepared for a natural disaster with your four-legged love here!