Do you start the New Year with a “Word of the Year”? Choosing your “One Word” is such a powerful way to set your intention for the upcoming year! Check out these free printable worksheets that make it simple and easy and will help you have the best year yet!

And just like that, BAM!…another year is in the books…and let’s be honest, we are ALL ready to say goodbye to 2020. #byebiatch #2020yousuck
Although I love me some holiday festivities, there is something about the change to a New Year that REALLY makes me excited… (especially this year…I mean, 2021 can’t come soon enough…right?!?)
Why do I love the New Year so much?
Well, I guess it feels like a blank page is waiting for me…it’s a time to realign with what I am about and what I’d like to see manifest in my life.
It’s kind of like a “reset” button in many ways giving me a new, shiny, fresh start… (and I can leave behind all the “hang-xiety” filled memories after too many glasses of wine #truestory)
I also cherish this time of year because I give myself space and time to really reflect on the past year and to envision what I want to bring forth in my life and who I want to be in the upcoming year.
New Year’s Resolutions?
Me no likey “Resolutions”!
I said adios to “resolutions” a long time ago…because honestly, I know by January 2nd at 11 AM (yes that’s the exact time this happens) I will be beating myself up for sneaking a cookie, or watching the Real Housewives, or some other meaningless “forbidden” activity that wasn’t on my resolutions list…and
…anything that feels restrictive, confining, and a “have to” in my book is NO freaking BUENO!!
So, what I’ve found works best for me is to find ONE WORD that I intend to embody or focus on for the year as a constant reminder of what I want to create more of in my life.
And with words like Love, Dream, Vision in the English language, how can you possibly choose one to symbolize your upcoming year??
* Funny Side Note*, my word for 2020 was “Expansion”…I mean seriously, could there be a worse word for the year of curfews, lockdowns, and quarantines??
To me, it’s a perfect reminder (or more like a practical joke) from God, the Universe, Mother Earth, Buddha, (whatever spiritual power you believe in) to not take yourself too seriously…and to lighten up on the whole “life” thing!
Well anywho, back to the point of this blog post… I’d love to share with you my process of narrowing down my ONE WORD….and how I practically and easily integrate it into my daily life.
1. Get Centered and Visualize
The very first step is to take some quiet, alone time for yourself so you can really be present and focus on your past year’s successes and shortcomings, and then envision what your dream life looks like in 2021.
I often do a short, reflective meditation and then spend a few minutes simply visualize what my best life looks like (Don’t know how to meditate yet? Well, I’ll be writing more about this powerful practice later, so in the meantime just sit quietly in a calm, dimly-lit, cozy place, close your eyes, breathe, and don’t fall asleep!).
2. Write Down Wins/Misses of the Year and Vision for Upcoming Year
Once I have taken the time to have a clear vision, I start writing down my thoughts on “My One Word Worksheet” (below) about the previous year and what I hope for in the New Year. (The first two boxes in the worksheet below)
3. Brainstorm “One Word” Possibilities
Next, I write down a list of words that I want to either emulate or bring forth in the New Year…I’ve created a “My Word Brainstorm Sheet” you can use to simplify the process if that helps!
(Reminder: The word should not be a negative word unless it’s “bad-ass”, then it’s totally cool)
If you are using my super handy brainstorm sheet above, then simply read the words and either highlight, star, or circle the words that seem to resonate with you the most.
4. Write Down Finalist Words and Choose the Final “One Word”
From there you will want to write down your finalists on your “My One Word Worksheet” and then narrow down the ONE WORD that really speaks to your heart…that truly embodies what you have envisioned.
(On a side note, many people have a hard time narrowing it down to one word…honestly, there is no right way to do this exercise. If you want to choose a few words and then every 3-4 months focus on a new word, then, by all means, do that, you rockstar!!! Do what works for you!)
See, choosing your ONE WORD is not a difficult and time-consuming process (heck, I think it’s fun – & don’t you dare doubt my fun factor!), and if you want to make it even easier, you can get both of these free ONE WORD PRINTABLES HERE!
Throughout the New Year, think about your word on a daily basis and constantly ask yourself if your actions and feelings are in alignment with your ONE WORD.
If they aren’t, then take action and realign right away.
Truly feel your word and do something that embodies the meaning of your word.
Become your ONE WORD.
I promise it will help you truly stay focused on what your vision is for the New Year!
Stay tuned because I’ll be giving you more “deets” (is this word still cool to say?) about how to incorporate your ONE WORD into your life to ensure that 2021 is your best year “EVAH”!!
So until then, a toast to your ONE WORD and cheers to you SLAYING IT in 2021!????
♥ Magan
*PS – One more thing…In case we haven’t connected in the virtual world on Instagram (here) or Pinterest (here), come find me!!!
I’ve got tons of cool stuff to share, I promise, you’ll be glad you did!!! *