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The Best Hair Growth Spray Remedy for Thinning Hair

How to Make Your Own DIY Thick & Healthy Hair Growth Spray – A Nourishing Essential Oils Scalp and Hair Tonic

Hair Growth Spray

Hair Thinning…

Hair Loss…


UGH!!! Something NO ONE wants to talk about…


Because honestly it’s embarrassing… and humbling…and frightening and a






woman losing hair with brush

Over the last two years, I have had some significant health challenges, specifically with my thyroid and my adrenals, and this medical problem definitely took a toll on my hair thickness and overall hair health.


There was a period of time when I was having so much hair fall that I began to worry if I could get it to stop and if it would ever grow back.


Once I started researching the causes of hair loss, I learned that a large percentage of women suffer from thinning hair at some point in their life.


So I knew I was not alone on this journey of seeking treatments to strengthen hair and promote hair regrowth which definitely gave me some comfort and optimism.


The Good News is once I correctly diagnosed the problem and started treating the underlying condition, I was able to stop the shedding and start growing new, thicker hair! (Happy Dance!)


Bad News…we are talking about hair and man, does it take a long time for new hair regrowth. It takes patience and commitment to improve hair health.


Other Good News: I have learned SO MUCH during this process, and I’d love to help anyone else who finds themselves in the same hair-thinning predicament.


(Note: The links in this post are AMAZON affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our full disclaimer policy here.)

So what should you do if you are experiencing abnormal amounts of hair loss?


Here are my top recommendations: (PSA: I am not a doctor, and this is NOT medical advice, just a recap of what worked for me!)



1. Seek Professional Help:



First things first!


Have your medical practitioner or healthcare professional run the necessary tests to get to the root cause.


If I had not sought help from my holistic MD, I am not sure I would have been able to reverse my hair loss. Seriously, it was a TOTAL game changer…you have to know what’s really going on to remedy it!


My doctor helped me reverse my Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease (which ultimately impacted my hair health) and it was a multi-pronged approach to my overall health utilizing food, an extensive supplement regimen, and other health improvements.


You can read more about the specifics of “How I Healed My Hashimoto’s Disease”

How I healed hashimotos

Keep in mind that certain medications, hormonal imbalances, and dietary deficiencies (iron, zinc, selenium, Vitamin D) can cause hair thinning or hair disorders, so have your trusted physician look into all possible causes for your decreasing hair density.



2. Try Something New:



There are so many things that can help hair growth…believe me because I tried pretty much all of them (including this unconventional exercise I found on Youtube – See, I wasn’t kidding when I said I tried everything!)


I share more details about which specific interventions worked best for my hair loss treatment in this blog post called:


“Why Is My Hair Falling Out (and 8 Ways I Stopped It)”



How I stopped my Hair Loss

In a nutshell, I added clinically proven hair growth products containing botanical extracts and supplements to prevent breakage and promote new growth.


If you want a list of the specific products I use, check out my blog post: Top 10 Best Hair Loss Products.

Top 10 Best Hair Loss Products


3. Take a Deep Breath & Know You Are Not Alone!



Feel free to contact me directly ANYTIME if you need a little pep talk or advice, or someone just to listen…I’m totally serious about this.


I 100% know what you are going through, and also know that you can heal and overcome this challenge!


4. Nurture Your Hair



Since I’ve been able to stop my hair loss, there are some things I now do pretty much every day to take EXTRA.GOOD.CARE. of my tresses.


For a while, I was buying expensive hair growth serum, scalp scrubs, hair masks, tonics, and other such products.


If there was a hair growth product or treatment to try, I was my own guinea pig!


*Side Note #1: I did steer clear of any pharmaceuticals and medications that might have serious side effects like minoxidil, only using supplements with natural ingredients.


*Side Note #2: I am also on a moderate budget so investing in red light hair regrowth laser therapy was not part of my loss treatment plan.


To be honest, I didn’t find that any of the hair loss products that I tried were really making that big of a difference, so I started doing my own research to see if I could make my own treatments promoting hair growth that would be as good IF NOT BETTER than the pricy ones I was using.


*Side Note #3: Over the last 16 years I have had a love affair with essential oils and have used them to basically treat any and every ailment:


  • Burns


  • Allergies


  • Headaches


  • Asthma


  • Cuts


  • Strep Throat


  • Acne


  • Nausea


You name it, I’ve probably used an essential oil for it (with the exception of broken bones or appendicitis, skip the essential oils for those and see a doc).


So I thought heck, there are probably some essential oils that will help hair loss too, and low and behold there are!!


After doing some online research, I discovered that there are quite a few oils that might help stimulate the hair follicles and promote hair growth, and lucky me, my oils addiction paid off cause I had all of them!







I also found quite a few different “recipes” to try and this is the one that has worked the best for me!

How to Make Your Own Healthy Hair Growth Spray:



1. Find an empty spray bottle. The one I used is a little over 4 oz.

empty spray bottle

2. Add 3 Tablespoons of (alcohol-free) witch hazel. (I bought mine off Amazon here)


Thayers Witch Hazel Facial Toner

Bonus: You can also use it as a facial toner – that’s what I call a versatile purchase!


3. Add 1 teaspoon hemp seed oil – I got this one off of Amazon…yep, lazy, online shopper here!)


Organic Virgin Hemp Seed Oil


4. Add the oils:



Group of Essential Oil Bottles


  • 10 drops Lavender


  • 10 drops Cedarwood


  • 10 drops Geranium


  • 10 drops Rosemary


If you do not have all of these oils, no stress, just use the ones you do have!


5. Fill the bottle with distilled water (I didn’t have any so, I just boiled some tap water and let it cool, then added it to the bottle – so that’s an option too)


6. Shake it up well and spray on the scalp area of your head. (Be sure to always shake it up before using!)


I normally massage it in my hair roots with this little scalp massage gadget and then use a comb to spread it through the rest of my hair.



Scalp Massager

I use the spray on both wet or dry hair…just depends on what my mood is, but I try to use it every day!


I have found that not only do I have the benefit of new growth, and a healthy scalp, the essential oils in the spray also add shine to my hair.


Oh, and because you know I love me a good ole printable project, I also made a printable label to add to your spray bottle that you can download here:


Printable label for hair growth spray

Looks cute, right??


Hair Growth Spray

And there you have it – the recipe for luscious locks…you can download it here:


Hair Growth Spray Recipe

So are you an essential oils addict like me?


Or are you a newbie?


Let me know what other ways you’ve used essential oils or what you’ve done to help with hair growth!


Until next time, cheers to rocking the Rapunzel look, and cheers to you!




Want to try another essential oil recipe? Check out my lash and eyebrow growth serum!


DIY Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth Serum


Got Pinterest and want to save this idea for later? Go Ahead and Pin the Image Below!


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Magan Weber

Your Go-To Mama For 

Organizing Your Health

Home, & Happiness

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