Check out my easy 3 step process to get your first aid supplies decluttered and organize supplements and vitamins

The Free the Clutter Fiesta is underway and this week, I’m clearing out my first aid supplies, supplements, prescriptions, and medicine!
Oh My!
And I don’t want to scare you too badly, but this is what my cabinet with those supplies looked like prior to this week’s Fiesta!
I also want to note – we have only lived in our current home for less than 6 months! (and yes, there may be a drone in the photo with the medical supplies – seems like a logical place to store it, right!?!)
So if you are feeling a little sheepish about the state of your medicine cabinet, please know that you are not alone…ahem, mine was a TOTAL mess and I LIKE organizing stuff!!
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Life gets busy and stuff (aka drones) gets crammed into cabinets, but the good news is, with an investment of 15-30 minutes, you’ll be back on track!!
So let me give you a quick rundown of my super simple process to organize just about anything…including how to organize supplements!
Take everything out of the cabinet (Yep, ALL of it! Every last stinkin’ bottle, package, and other flying objects)
You need to be able to see it all, and it’s very easy for things to get hidden if you leave anything in the drawer/cabinet.
(In this cabinet, I also have batteries, lightbulbs, and adhesives, so I went ahead and organized that stuff too!)
Sort through what items you have, discarding all expired, broken, or unuseful things. (or ones that just don’t belong there, um, drone, I’m looking at you!)
Especially when dealing with medicines, it’s important to get rid of anything that’s past it’s due date!
Clean out the storage containers you have or purchase some to organize your items.
For this project, I used Sterilite plastic containers that are about the size of a shoebox and this DYMO digiral label maker to make it all looked super sheik and extra organized!
If you do not have a digital label maker, I HIGHLY recommend buying one!
I’ve had mine for over 15 years, and it still works great. Honestly, I use it for all sorts of things! I think you’ll be shocked how often you utilize it once you have one!!
*ANOTHER SIDE NOTE*: If you are like me, and you’ve got a large number of supplements/pills you take each day, I find this pill organizer super helpful!
I load it up once a week with all my necessary vitamins, and not only does but help me keep it all organized, but it also helps me stay motivated to not miss a day!
Okay, now back to my organzing project….
And after the 3 simple steps to organize supplements outlined above, here’s the “AFTER” photo!
I know it’s not a fancy display worthy of a magazine cover, but it looks so much better, and is so much easier for me to find whatI need!

So, what do you think?
Looks so much better, right??
It’s amazing how happy I feel when I open this cabinet – all with a 15-minute investment!
So mama, turn off the Real Housewives (or actually you can just pause it) and grab your First Aid Supplies and Medicines and get organizing!!
I promise you’ll be glad you did!!
Until next time, cheers to a clutter-free first aid kit and cabinet and cheers to you!