Make organizing, tidying, simplifying, and decluttering your kid’s bedroom fun and easy with these must-have children’s bedroom organizers. They are simply the best products to organize a kid’s bedroom!

Last week was Week 5 of the Purge Party (What? You missed it? Then catch up here!), and the focus was on Kid’s Bedrooms!
Clearing out stuff that your children no longer use, need or enjoy feels AMAZING!!! No more junk piled up in their rooms is truly a minor miracle! Hallelujah!
Decluttering and simplifying is the first step of the process, but there are some tools that will make it SO. MUCH. EAISER. for your kiddos to keep their rooms tidy, especially if they have a designated location for everything in their room.
I’ve compiled my list of favorite products to organize a kid’s bedroom to help you get your kids’ rooms in TIP TOP TIDY SHAPE!
These organizer products are designed for kids who still play with toys (approximate ages 2-12). I have other specific recommendations for baby nurseries here and teen bedrooms here!
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Ready for the the best, must-have essential organizing products for Kids’ Bedrooms?
Hold onto your hats, people, because here it comes!!!

Wondering why these are the best, well here ya’ go!
1. Fabric Over The Door Hanging Organizer
OMG!! I LOVE this polka dot over the door hanging pocket storage organizer! (Don’t worry, it comes in other designs if polka dots aren’t your thang!).
This organizer is awesome because it can be placed on the back of the door for hidden storage, and it’s so darn versatile!
Notebooks, toys, accessories, books, magazines, stuffed animals…you can store so many things in one spot!
2. Kids White Construction Play Table
Artsy kids and Lego lovers…this is the table you need!
One side is a flat surface so you can use it to draw, paint, color, or even enjoy play dough, and the other side is a Lego building square!
Best part is that it also has two drawers to keep everything organized!
Seriously, where were these when my son was little?
3. Organize It All Closet Doubler
This little closet gadget is truly one of the best inventions!!
It’s perfect for smaller children who can’t reach the top bar of their closet, and it also gives double the amount of hanging space in the closet!!
That’s what I call a Win-Win!!
4. ClosetMaid Cubicle Organizer
Let’s be honest, we could all use extra cubby storage space in our kids’ rooms, and ClosetMaid is the king of making versatile organizers!
These cubicles come in a variety of colors and configurations so you can customize them to whatever size and shape you need!
5. Stuffed Animal Storage Bean Bag Chair
Got tons of stuffed animals?
Got too many blankets and pillows?
Got kids who can’t part with any of it?
This bean bag chair is the perfect solution for you because it will hide all that crap your kids can’t let go of!
It is available in a variety of sizes and colors so you can pick a design that works best for your kid’s room decor.
My fave is definitely the gray and white striped one! So cute and functional!
6. StorageWorks Closet Hanging Organizer
You know what is as awesome as an organized room…an organized closet!!
Can I get a “whoop, whoop”??
This closet hanging organizer will keep your kiddos’ closets super tidy, and what I love best is that it can also be used to organize outfits for the school week by placing a clothing ensemble on a shelf for each day of the week!
No more morning meltdowns and fights about clothes! Who knew this organizer could perform miracles?
7. Under Bed Wood Storage w/Chalkboard Label
The kids in my house like to “hide” stuff under their beds…with this under bed wooden storage box, they can continue to shove junk under the bed (who am I to ruin their fun?!?), but at least it will be neat and organized, and it will look super cute in this organizer!
8. Extra Large Storage Baskets
You won’t be a “basket-case” (sorry, I’m a sucker for puns) with these cotton, woven storage baskets.
All kid spaces whether it’s a bedroom, game room or playroom, needs a place to store bulky items….blankets, stuffed animals, toys, you name it!
All of it will look so much more organized in one of these storage baskets. I totally dig that they have several style options to match your kids room color palette too!
9. White Storage 3 Tier Metal Rolling Organizer Cart
Need a place to put your kids art and crafts supplies?
Need a spot to store their favorite books, magazines, and Pokemon cards?
Need a bedside table for your child’s clock and lamp?
There are a dozen uses for this super versatile rolling cart!!
You just might need a few of them!
So there’s the round up of my top 9 best products to organize a kid’s room!
Did I miss any of your must-haves?
I am always on the hunt for new products to make my home clutter-free and more organized, so let me know in the comment section what are your faves?
Don’t leave a girl in the dark, be sure to share your simplifying secrets with me!
Want more Organizer Products Ideas?
Organization Products for Your Teen’s Bedroom
Toy Taming Organization Products for the Playroom
I also have an entire Pinterest Board dedicated Kid Organization that you can check out here!