How to use a 30 Day relationship challenge for couples to improve your marriage and reignite the spark with your spouse or significant other. Accomplish one task each day to spice up your connection with your partner and to fill your marriage with intimacy, romance, and love.

Let’s be real…life is CRAY-CRAY!!!! Every night I go to bed, I usually have at least A MILLION things (well, maybe more like a dozen but totally FEELS like a million) that I had intended to get done that just didn’t get accomplished.
My to-do list just never seems to get shorter no matter how hard I try!
I recently have been taking inventory of the things that consume my time, because honestly, I’m not sure how the days go by so fast, and I feel like I just can’t get it all done!
Laundry, errands, cleaning, cooking, carpooling kids, and don’t get me wrong that is all stuff that needs to eventually get done, but does any of it truly matter in the big scheme of life?
(I’ll give you a hint, the answer starts with an “N” and rhymes with “GO”)
I’ve been giving quite a bit of thought to what really DOES matter…creating authentic connections with friends, showing my loved ones what they mean to me, living with more joy and gratitude.
So I’ve decided to put more of THOSE things at the top of my daily priority list.
With it being the beginning of February (The Month of Love) I can’t think of a better time to share the love with my kids and hubby in a tangible, physical way.
First on the list is my main squeeze, my rock, my husband, Gavin. We’ve been married for over 22 years (holy shiznit, how in the world has it been that long?).
Like many married couples, our life gets ultra-busy, and we don’t always show each other how much we care because we are distracted by kids, pets, jobs, bills, life responsibilities, reality tv (okay, maybe that’s just me!).
How do you combat all those things in our daily lives that need constant attention to carve out time for your spouse??
With a PRINTABLE of course!!
…well, actually you combat it with INTENTION, the printable just helps you stay on track and focus on building a better relationship with your partner!
And this printable specifically is a 30 Day Relationship Challenge!
So how exactly does it work?
How to Use 30 Day Relationship Challenge For Couples
1. Set the Intention
The week before you begin this fun relationship challenge, first make the commitment that you will spend the next 30 days doing one nice thing to show love and support to your partner every single day.
Plan on it being part of your daily routine before you begin.
Be sure you are committed and find time to accomplish one challenge each day for the next month.
A healthy relationship does not happen without effort, so start the relationship challenge with a strong sense of the time and attention that it will take.
2. Print the Challenge
Next, you will print out one of the versions of the relationship challenge. There’s one that is year and day-specific, and one that is more like a checklist or love bucket list. Choose whichever one will work best for you!
You can either keep your printable love challenge in a private place and surprise your partner with one love gesture each day or you can hang it like a sign and you can both work on the tasks each day together.
Here is the more date-specific relationship challenge:
(PSA – It’s a PG-13 Printable…might get a little steamy!! )
(Click on the images below to access the printable PDF)
Feel free to use some of the ideas I’ve shared or create your own…the important thing is to show your partner how much you care.
Remember – the little things are the big things!
Here’s another non-February printable version that you can download here in case you are wanting to do the marriage challenge another month to spice things up!
The most important thing is that you have fun with it!
3. Complete a Task
For the next 30 days, accomplish one of the romance tasks for your partner.
You can do them in order or mix it up and do whichever ones fit best into your schedule and mark them off as you complete each one.

If you’re wondering what fun is in store for you and your significant other, here is a list of all the fun challenges.
- Make a love sign – (if you are short on time you can write a thoughtful note on the bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker)
- Send a flirty text to your partner today
- Challenge each other to play a board game
- Watch the sunset together
- Plan a surprise picnic
- Cook your partner’s favorite meal
- Leave a sweet note somewhere to remind your spouse how much you love him/her
- Cuddle and watch a movie or tv show together
- Make a playlist of meaningful songs
- Do one thing spontaneous today
- Stay up late and really check in with one another with a heart to heart conversation
- Plan a romantic date night out
- Make your partner breakfast in bed – wait on them hand and foot
- Go for a walk together and hold hands
- Give a small thoughtful gift
- Make a list of things you love about your husband/wife
- Participate in “Random Act Of Kindness Day”
- Go to a movie, concert, or fun local event
- Make your partner’s favorite dessert
- Play masseuse to your spouse
- Look at old photos together…sit and talk about your favorite memories together
- Take a bubble bath or shower together
- Plan a romantic, fancy date night at home
- Make time for some “afternoon delight” – don’t wait until night time!
- Turn on love songs and slow dance
- Go out somewhere and engage in some PDA – act like it’s your first date again!
- Spend a tech-free day together – when’s the last time you did that?
- Cook something new (and healthy) together
Feel free to use some of the ideas I’ve shared or create your own…the important thing is to show your partner how much you care.
The whole point of the challenge is to bring couples closer by planning meaningful and healthy ways to connect to one another.
Remember – the little things are the big things and even a small gesture can improve your relationship in so many ways!

The MONTH of LOVE is definitely going to be epic here in the Weber Abode!!

Hope you are sharing love with the ones you care about most too!!
Looking for more challenges?
In case you need a little more Self-Love, here’s an awesome self-care challenge to be sure you are giving enough TLC to the most important person in your life…YOU!
What are some things you want to do for the people in your life?
Got any other great date ideas?
I would love to hear from ya’ and get some of your ideas I can steal!!
Until next time cheers to spreading love and cheers to you!
P.S. Need a creative Valentine’s Day Breakfast idea?
Check out these cute Valentine’s Day Donuts!