We all want our homes to be clean, clutter-free, and simply organized, and it’s hard to do that when you have an overabundance of household items weighing you down so check out this comprehensive list of 100 things to toss in the trash today!

Been dreaming of a simplified, organized life?
Have no idea where to even begin when it comes to decluttering?
I promise you living a clutter-free, less stressful life is possible!
If you put in just a little work, it will pay off tenfold!
Listen, we all love the modern conveniences that make our lives easier, but when your home is covered in useless clutter, it might be time to rethink what you are holding on to!
Since we are friends and all, I’m going to make it super easy for you and give you a master list of all the things you really should toss ASAP!!
The sooner you get rid of the junk that is literally just taking up space in your home, the sooner you will have more room for the things that truly matter to you!!
So here you go…my list of 100 things you should get rid of immediately!
* Footnote – when I say “toss” and “get rid of” I really mean find a new home for those items. There are SO many incredible, worthwhile charitable organizations who would love many of the things you no longer need, and I will share some donation ideas and recycling locations on my list!*
1. Worn Out Towels – Most local animal shelters can use them
2. Undergarments with Holes or Stains – Ew! Trash ’em!
3. Rusted Pots, Pans, and Baking Sheets – Ain’t nobody want rust in their food
4. Fridge Magnets – Come on now, those are ugly anyway!
5. Magazines You’ve Already Read
6. Extra Sets of Eyewear – You can donate them to the Lions Club or New Eyes.
7. Old Receipts
8. Business Cards – Make it last longer by putting the info in your phone
9. Solo Socks – Just make peace with the fact that you aren’t going to find the match
10. Unused Toys – Polly Pockets and Zhu Zhu Pets, you go in that pile!
11. Worn Out Athletic Shoes – Nike and Asics both have recycling programs and Soles for Souls is another organization that donates shoes to those in need.
12. Unused sports equipment – Croquet set, I’m looking at you
13. Old Paint – Look at your local city resources for recycling centers or check out Earth 911
14. Useless Cords – If they don’t belong to anything you currently own, you don’t need them and while you are at it, come to my house and take mine too! The one thing my hubby just can’t part with!
15. Wrinkled or Faded Gift Wrapping Paper, Tissue Paper, and Gift Bags
16. Owners Manuals – You can find them online
17. Old Technology – You know the culprits…floppy discs, iPods, 8 tracks, VHS tapes
18. Used Gift Cards – Recycle those babies
19. Complimentary Hotel Toiletries – Need help knowing what to do with them? Read here!
20. Expired Supplements and Vitamins
21. Old Birthday Party Supplies – Admit it, you’ll never use them!
22. Worn Out Pet Toys
23. Catalogs – They’ve been replaced by this great little invention called the “Internet”
24. Lumpy Pillows – Really? Do I even have to explain why?
25. Rarely Worn Jewelry – If you haven’t worn it in the last two years, give it to someone who will use it and love it! Or host a jewelry swap with friends!
26. Worn Out, Stained Rugs
27. Paper Bills and Bank Statements – Opt for paperless instead
28. Damaged, Outdated, Ugly, Uncomfortable Clothes – You deserve better!
29. Cook Books and Recipe Cards
30. Unused Exercise Equipment – Thigh Master, find yourself a new owner
31. Dried Flowers – Hello, it’s the 70’s calling…put those with your macrame kit, in the trash!
32. Uncomfortable, Worn Out Shoes
33. Old Takeout Menus – You’ve got a smartphone for that!
34. Extra Shoelaces
35. Cleaning Supplies or Toiletries You Don’t Like – Donate them to a local shelter
36. Unused Wallets and Purses
37. Spare Change – Find a service like CoinStar or donate it to a good cause!
38. Air Fresheners or Plug-ins – That shit’s toxic – no seriously it is!! Toss it and buy some high-quality essential oils instead with the money you just collected from #37
39. Extra pens and pencils – Only keep your faves
40. Unidentified Frozen Objects aka UFOs – Who knows how long it’s been in there
41. Books You Haven’t Read and Don’t Plan To – Resell or donate to your local library
42. Boxes (Shoe Boxes, Cereal Boxes, Amazon Boxes) – I promise, you don’t need them!
43. Stretched Out Hair Ties
44. Expired Sunscreen – Check it out, they do have expiration dates!
45. Multiple Bookmarks – Keep one, or two at most!
46. Fancy Delicate Dishes
47. Unused Hobby Supplies – I guess it’s time to toss all that scrapbooking crap!
48. Birthday Party Goodie Bag Trinkets – Donate them to your local school, many classrooms have a treasure box or rewards store
49. Old Store Rewards Cards – Newsflash! Toys R Us, Payless, and Gymboree are no longer in business, toss those rewards cards!
50. Rusty Unused Tools
51. Warped, Stained, and Mismatched Tupperware – Oh I know you have some random lids that don’t fit anything!!
52. Dried Nail Polish and Old Nail Supplies
53. Old Party or Event Invitations
54. Dried Out Markers – Crayola will take them for their ColorCycle Program
55. Stockings/Pantyhose With Runs
56. Greeting Cards You Aren’t Ever Going to Use
57. Old Phone Accessories – Cases, styluses, screen protectors, bye-bye!
58. Broken Crayons – There are awesome recycling programs like The Crayon Initiative and Crazy Crayons where you can send them
59. Old CD’s You Don’t Listen To
60. Unused Cell phones and Chargers – Get money for them from companies like EcoATM or donate them to charities like The Hope Phones and Cell Phones for Soldiers
61. Board Games with Missing Pieces or That No One Plays – I mean seriously does anyone really like Monopoly or Risk?
62. Holiday Decor that’s No Longer Used
63. Unused or Old Spices – Yep, they have an expiration date too!
64. Unused Perfumes and Cologne
65. Leftover Screws, Nails, Nuts, Bolts
66. Old Toothbrushes – You can recycle those at Terracycle
67. Unloved VHS and DVDs – Adios, Wiggles and Elmo!
68. Unplayed Instruments
69. Expired Prescriptions and Medications – Go to fda.gov for proper disposal info
70. Craft Supplies You Haven’t Used in Years – Your local school is a great recipient
71. Unused Placemats, Napkins, Tablecloths
72. Jigsaw Puzzles with Missing Pieces
73. Outdated, Cracked, and Dirty Makeup – That goes in the trash
74. Travel Alarm Clocks – Use your phone, silly!
75. Unused Picture Frames
76. Old Newspapers – Recycle!!
77. Random Candy (that you’re not sure of the origin or how old it is) – Maybe that just happens at our house
78. Old Baby Gear – Sell or donate!
79. Tourist Knick Knacks – That snow globe from Victoria, Canada has gotta go!
80. Carabiners (if you even know what those are? ) – Unless you are a professional rock climber, then, by all means, hang onto that bad boy!
81. Canned Food That No One Will Eat – Stewed tomatoes anyone?
82. Completed Coloring Books
83. Unused Small Kitchen Appliances – That means you, cake pop maker
84. The Loner Earring – Admit it, we all keep it just in case we find the other one – bad news… it’s not gonna happen
85. Outdated Home Decor – Red bean bag chair and basket of fake fruit, hasta la vista!
86. Takeout Condiments – I know, they are cute, but probably will never be used
87. Travel Brochures – All the most up to date info you need is online
88. Old Textbooks – Seriously, just Google it!
89. Dry Cleaner Wire Hangers – Mine recycles them, maybe yours does too!
90. Annoying Spam and Email Subscriptions – Use the free service at Unroll.me to help. Do it, you can thank me later!!
91. Old Calendars and Planners
92. Excess Mugs and Cups ☕
93. Used Empty Ink Cartridges – You can make a little moolah by recycling them
94. Ugly Hats No One Should Wear – Need I say more?
95. Phone Books – Oh, please recycle those and look up the number digitally!
96. Lawn Chemicals – Be sure to dispose of them responsibly. Earth 911 will help.
97. Kid’s Old Art Projects – Take a picture, it lasts longer
98. Coupons You’ll Never Use or Are Expired
99. Worn Out Sports Supplies – You can recycle old tennis balls at Recycle Balls or your local animal shelter might use them
100. Unfinished Projects – no one is looking…toss it! Shh! I won’t tell!
So there you have it, Ladies and Gentle-woman (but seriously, are any guys reading this??) my list of 100 things you can toss right now!!
I’ve even made a printable version for you so you can keep a list and check off things as you get them out of your house!
It seriously doesn’t get much easier than that!!
Just do it…I promise you’ll feel abso-frigin-lutely amazing once you do!!
Did I miss anything on my list?
I’d love to hear what you’ve let go of in your house or what was just too hard to part with (like my hubby with his electronic cords)
So fill me in below in the comments section!!
Until next time, cheers to conquering the useless clutter, and cheers to you!

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